On Tonights Politics and Tactics
First up "Search"
Recent incident where a victim was missed in Michigan highlights the need for all of us to do a better job. We all need to be committed to tactical Excellence.
Volunteer Issues
From the CFSI:
On Thursday, May 12th, the House Appropriations Committee released a draft of the FY12 Homeland Security Appropriations bill. The bill provides $40.6 billion in funding for the Department of Homeland Security, a decrease of $1.1 billion (2.6%) from the Fiscal Year 2011 level and $3 billion below the Administration's request. (The Committee's press release on the bill can be viewed here.)
The draft bill makes significant cuts to several programs of importance to the fire and emergency services. The Assistance to Firefighters (FIRE) Grant Program and the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program would be funded at a total of $350 million ($200m for FIRE and $150m for SAFER). The programs were funded at $810 million ($405 million for each) in Fiscal Year 2011.
The United States Fire Administration (USFA) would be cut by more than $3 million. The draft legislation provides only $42.5 million for USFA, down from nearly $45.6 million in Fiscal Year 2011.
Additionally, the draft bill provides $1 billion to be distributed at the discretion of the Secretary between several programs, including:
- State Homeland Security Grant Program
- Urban Area Security Initiative (USAI)
- Metropolitan Medical Response System
- Citizen Corps
- Public Transportation Security Assistance and Railroad Security Assistance
- Over-the-Road Security Assistance
- Port Security Grants
- Driver's License Security Grant Program
- Interoperable Emergency Communications Grant Program
This somewhat unusual provision represents a significant cut to these critical programs. In Fiscal Year 2011, the State Homeland Security Grant Program and UASI were funded at $725 million each.
The House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee has scheduled a mark-up for Friday, May 12th at 11:00 a.m. in Room HC-5 of the Capitol Building.
"While very disappointing, it is important to note that this is just the first step in the lengthy appropriations process" said Bill Webb, Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Institute. "We will continue to work with the House and Senate Appropriations Committees, as well as all of our allies on Capitol Hill, to ensure our nation's fire and emergency services have the resources they need to protect our homeland."
CFSI will continue to provide updates throughout the Fiscal Year 2012 appropriations process.